1. 最后生成的图形中,如何去掉haestad的logo? 换成自定义的。
    在analysis_transient results viewer_在tools菜单里设置修改logo和单位名称即可。
    其他如工程名称和日期, 都可以双击进行编辑。

  1. 管道局部损失如何考虑?如弯头。这个有minor loss设置,还不明白是怎么回事。

  2. 有渐变管么?这个也是在minor loss里有涉及,其他如弯头等。关键是一个模型,不可能去一个个设置这些弯头吧??程序自动是怎么考虑这些弯头的?

  3. 单向调压塔和复合式进排气阀的参数。
    单向调压塔就是surge tank设置一个止回阀,还是属于简单式。没有止回阀就是我们说的简单式了。空气阀有两阶段,三阶段?但是复合式的模型似乎没有,但手册有提到combination air valve(CAV)。

14.7.1 Extended CAV Method
HAMMER normally models air or vapor volumes as concentrated at specific points
along a pipe. However, HAMMER can simulate an extended air volume if it enters the
system at a local high point (via an Air Valve element, sometimes called a combination
air valve or CAV).
To enable this, from the Transient Solver Calculation Options(analysis—calculation options—transient calculation options), set the Run
Extended CAV field to True. HAMMER will track the extent of the air pocket and
the resulting mass-oscillation and water column accelerations. HAMMER still calculates
the system-wide solution using MOC and elastic theory; it uses rigid-column
theory only for the pipes nearest the high point. This results in more accurate solutions,
without increasing execution time.


作者:秦晓川  创建时间:2020-08-29 01:19
最后编辑:秦晓川  更新时间:2024-03-05 08:47